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Safety tips for sharing the road as Mavericks return for the Fall 2023 semester

The Grand Junction Police Department and Colorado Mesa University are reminding the Grand Junction community that Colorado Mesa University begins its Fall 2023 semester on Monday, August 21, which means there will be a significant increase in drivers and pedestrians in and around the roadways. Drivers should be extra cautious around N 12th Street, and pedestrians and bikers must be alert and pay attention to their surroundings at all times.

Know the basics when it comes to traffic safety. Here are several safety tips when it comes to pedestrian, biker and driver safety.

  • Read your road signs: Drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists should obey street signs, signals and road markings.
  • Be aware: Slow down and obey the speed limit.
  • Don’t let distraction case disaster: Whether you’re cycling, walking, skateboarding or driving, put away your distractions and look out for each other. Make eye contact and proceed with caution, especially in hard-to-see conditions, such as nighttime or inclement weather.
  • There are right and wrong places to cross: Pedestrians should cross roadways in designated crosswalks and sidewalks.
  • Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks: Drivers should not enter the crosswalk when pedestrians are present or pass vehicles stopped at a crosswalk. There may be pedestrians crossing, not visible to adjacent drivers.
  • Safety gear saves lives: Cyclists should wear helmets and follow the same rules and responsibilities as motorists.
  • There are right and wrong places to ride: Pedestrians and cyclists should not enter the roadway illegally. Stay in the proper designated paths.
  • Don’t let blind spots surprise you: Watch out for pedestrians and cyclists in driveways when turning or backing out.
  • Driving safe and sober: Avoid alcohol and drugs when traveling in any mode of transportation. They impair one’s abilities and judgment.

The Grand Junction Police Department and Colorado Mesa University are committed to the safety and well-being of this community and encourages all residents to play an active role in keeping pedestrians, bikers and drivers safe while sharing the road.


Written by Staff

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