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2022 Aspinall Lecture and Scholarship Make Big Impact on Campus

The 2022 Aspinall Lecture and Scholarship series was once again on campus this year. Part of the programming included a lecture from author Douglas Monroy of the prize winning novel Thrown among Strangers: The Making of Mexican Culture in Frontier California, a historical monograph of the indigenous people of California; and Rebirth: Mexican Los Angeles from the Great Migration to the Great Depression, which documents the significant history of Mexican Americans in Los Angeles.

The lecture was open for both CMU and the broader community. Aside from writing, Monroy is also known for leading workshops and seminars for K-12 teachers on a variety of issues related to his scholarly work and has earned the title of professor emeritus of history at another higher education institution in Colorado.

In addition to the lecture each year, students from CMU's Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences with a 3.0 GPA or higher have the opportunity to interview with the Aspinall Foundation Board for scholarships. There are normally 12-16 qualified applicants who strive to earn one of the awards: the Wayne N. Aspinall Award of $9,000, the Charles Traylor Award of $7,000, four $5,000 Aspinall Scholarships and one $2,000. 

“It was a great honor to be named the recipient of the Wayne N. Aspinall Award," said student Abby LaLone. "This scholarship represents the true meaning of service and leadership within our communities. This means a great deal to me as a Social Work major, as I plan to dedicate my life’s work to the actions of advocacy and the support of others. This scholarship is providing me the opportunity to further my education with the goal of service to the community, as I now have the chance to obtain my Master of Social Work at Colorado Mesa University. I am very thankful for The Aspinall Foundation and their appreciation, gratitude and support of social and behavioral sciences.” 

The Aspinall Foundation honors Congressman Wayne N. Aspinall and was formed in 1968. The Foundation provides scholarships to Colorado Mesa University students who plan to pursue careers in public service.

“The Aspinall Scholarship, to me, is a representation of people caring for each other in the community. There will always be those who want to make the world a better place, and there will always be those who want to assist others in making the world a better place. Despite how dark the world may seem, if we help each other and pitch in when necessary, nothing is impossible,” said Kyle McClellan, winner of the Charles Traylor Scholarship. 

The Aspinall Foundation also supports the university’s educational mission by providing funds to sponsor an Aspinall Lecturer. The annual lecturer is a recognized authority from political, historical, economic or social fields. 


Written by Staff

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